Suzanne L Brunsting
Rochester Collaborative Law
Rochester, NY: The heart of collaborative law is the belief, shared by the parties and their attorneys, that it is in their best interest and in the best interests of their family to resolve differences with minimal conflict and without going to court.
Suzanne L Brunsting
202 Clovercrest Dr
Rochester NY 14618
Tel: 585 244-4239
Fax: 585 244-4239
As a collaborative lawyer and settlement advocate, I help couples divorce intelligently and creatively, considerate of one another and of their children.
After more than twenty years as an attorney, my practice is now limited to collaborative law and settlement advocacy. I believe that the public should be given the opportunity to choose a process for resolving their differences that honors their participation and trusts their ability to make the best decisions for their families. Our Rochester community is blessed with a compassionate and dedicated group of family law attorneys, mental health professionals, mediators and financial specialists working together to help families as parents separate and divorce. I was the first president of the Association of Collaborative Family Law Attorneys, Inc. ( and continue to be involved as an active member.
